Saturday, October 2, 2010


So...Friday...there were, like, tornadoes and shit.  Well, not really.  I just felt lazy.

I forced myself to go after work today.

And I kicked my ass. did my sweat migrate on my head now that I'm shaven?  Well, lemme put it this way.  My hair grows fast (only on my cranium.  My face can't sprout a hair to save my life).  Now my head is a giant spherical Plinko board.

Onto the workout.

I ran 5k in 40:19.  Then I went to the drinking fountain.  Then I did another 5k in 38:21.

All together, that's 10k (6 miles for you non-metric people) in 78:40.  About 13:08 per mile.  And 4 1/2 minutes faster than Monday (which was the first time I ever tried to run 10k in one day).

Soy un Perro Sexivo.  Damn straight.

Celebrated with a Very Berry Green Tea smoothie and a Chicken Pesto flatbread at Tropical Smoothie.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna crash a bit.


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...where was the protagonist in this story? And will Justin get the girl? I can't wait until next time! ;P
